The Benefits of Counselling

Therapy can be thought of as a way of helping you to enjoy your life more fully. Often the starting point is to clarify your needs and goals and what you want to achieve from counselling. Then, by helping you to more fully understand your present situation, the therapist will support you to explore and build new skills and strategies.

Therapy helps you to explore your feelings, thoughts and decisions that you make in your life, and how they affect you and your relationships. Often you may seek to improve your capacity for self-reflection, self-understanding and communication with others.

Through therapy and counselling you can gain more self-awareness about behavioural patterns, emotional responses and thinking which tends to create new understandings and a brighter, fresh perspective.

Perhaps you are noticing patterns in your daily life and relationships that you don't know how to change, and are tired of the same outcomes? Do you feel unfulfilled? Or do you feel that your relationships are in some way stagnant or end badly? Are you unhappy, or anxious, lying awake at night with the same thoughts going through your head?

Counselling or Psychotherapy can be highly effective in helping you resolve a broad range of issues, including struggles with emotional difficulties, life challenges and mental health concerns such as stress, depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Do you Do Online Therapy?

Reflexions Counselling and Psychotherapy have offered online, web-based services to existing clients for some time. We are now pleased to be able to offer this service routinely to new clients.

Where are we Situated?

We are centrally located in NE1 and provide counselling in Newcastle from comfortable business rooms where our highly qualified and professional therapists and counsellors will work with you in a focused, warm and collaborative manner to help you to resolve matters and achieve your objectives.

A Thought about Coping with Life

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you deal with it is what makes the difference." Virginia Satir

Why Suffer? Life comes complete with unexpected twists and turns and ups and downs - but do you actually need to endure unnecessary, sadness, pain, stress or conflict? If you are struggling with an issue or not managing effectively our professional support can help you to get your issues sorted so that you are able to move on.

Our Quality & Standards

All of the Counsellors and Psychotherapists at Reflexions are registered with either the UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy), the BPS (British Psychological Society), or the BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy). This complements their high and very lengthy post graduate training and experience in the public and private health care sectors. Our therapists adhere to the standards of their professional bodies ensuring that you also receive a high level of care.

What to Expect

Our main provision is long and short term psychotherapy and counselling - also called "talking therapies". The therapeutic modality or "therapy type" that we use is integrative therapy which means that what we do and the theoretical framework is matched to your needs. Our therapies are short term (usually 6 sessions is the minimum), medium or long term depending on presenting issues and client need. Sessions are face-to-face or online and take place weekly or fortnightly lasting for 50 minutes.

When you come to see us you will find the process to be very clear and transparent: in your initial session we explore your needs and then we agree a plan for the next period (usually six weeks). At this stage you will then be able to decide whether you have achieved your aims or whether you want to continue.

It is not our business to promise "quick fix" cures as counselling and psychotherapy involve commitment and effort - but we have helped many people and it is likely that we can help you too.

General Counselling Resources

Included below are some general sources of information for support. Where you feel that you are in an immediate crisis the best advice is to phone your GP or the Samaritans (see below) and seek support.

  • The Samaritans This service is staffed on a 24 hour basis and offers confidential phone support. You can talk to someone when you need it most. The 24 hour helpline is onTel: 0845 7 90 90 90
  • Living Life to the Full Life Skills Programme which is free to individuals. CBT based in the main with areas including confidence, problem solving and thinking.
  • NHS Mental Health This is a useful NHS resource which contains a range of online information including video and other interactive tools. Call 111 if:
        * You need help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency. 
        * You don’t know who to call for help 
        * You don’t have a GP to call
        * You require health information or reassurance about what to do next
  • Mind Mind, the mental health charity promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems. They have both a website or you can call their Infoline on Tel: 0845 766 0163 90
  • Mental Health Ass. articles UK Chartitable foundation that has a lot of helpful resources. This links to the self-help pages.
  • Personal Growth Articles US based site which is self-help focused and includes a wide range of interesting articles
  • Psychology Info US based website with general psychological information on a whole range of issues - most "paper-based" providing background additional reading matter around key subjects. It does cover a very broad range of material so perhaps worth a look.